Introduction to Genomic Data Visualization and Interpretation
Review of Central Concepts
Genome Browsing and Visualization - Ensembl
Genome Browsing and Visualization - UCSC
Genome Browsing and Visualization - IGV
Introduction to BioMart
Introduction to liftover tools
Introduction to ProteinPaint
Introduction to COSMIC
Using R for Genomic Data Visualization and Interpretation
Introduction to R
Data Munging with Data.table
Introduction to ggplot2*
arranging plots with ggplot2*
ggplot2 exercises*
Introduction to GenVisR
Introduction to waterfall plots
Introduction to transition/transverion plots
Introduction to gene coverage plots
Introduction to copy number frequency plots
Introduction to copy number spectrum plots
Introduction to loss of heterozygosity plots
Introduction to sequencing coverage plots
Expression Profiling, Visualization, and Interpretation
Differential expression with DEseq2
Pathway analysis
Pathway visualization